Facilitate access to quality healthcare for children, youth and women. We are cognizant of the significant role that maternal health plays in the well-being of children. We therefore offer maternal health services like family planning, prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV, addressing teen pregnancies, vaccination and nutrition of pre and post-term mothers. We are also aware of the challenges that teens face while accessing health-care services. We therefore advocate for and promote youth-friendly services in all public health facilities.
Mawazo Tulivu
Mawazo tulivu is an on-going project whose overriding objective is to address mental health challenges among children and the youth. We are cognizant that children and the youth face challenges in accessing mental health care due to the erroneous believe that such groups do not suffer from mental health issues. Our approach is to offer dedicate guidance and counselling services at the school level and within the community. The services offered include substance abuse counselling, sexual and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS counselling, cognitive behavioral therapy and academic guidance and counselling.
The project seeks to reduce stigma around mental health, create awareness on mental health challenges, reduce anti-social behavior and enhance life skills and values among children and the youth.
Hifadhi Maisha Project
The hifadhi maisha project seeks to enhance the quality of life among children living with HIV/AIDS. It targets children aged between 0-18 years of age. As a unique constituent that has been affected by the HIV/AIDS disease, these children require dedicated services that address their unique needs. They need to attend school while at the same time taking the drugs to suppress the viral load. They face extreme stigma, within the community, at school and even when seeking healthcare services. We address their needs, by ensuring they have access to quality nutrition, guidance and counselling services and dedicated healthcare services. Our approach is partnering with specific healthcare facilities to ensure these children receive healthcare services mostly during weekends when they are out of school. We also offer them guidance and counselling services and provide opportunities for their socialization and interactions.